Most commented posts
- WP-Slimbox2 v0.9.7 Released! — 9 comments
- Gallery Integration and jQuery Slimbox WordPress Plugin — 8 comments
Jan 19
It’s been practically a year since the last release, but I finally got up the motivation to mess with the code some more and add even more features to the already numerous possibilities within the plugin. Release 1.0 includes several new options such as: The ability to enable the effect on mobile phones (originally there …
Apr 21
The latest version of WP-Slimbox2, v0.9.7, has been released. Major changes on the user side include the addition of the wonderful jQuery Farbtastic colorpicker Javascript, created by Steven Wittens and a new key code detection script (written by me) that allows you to simply type the keys you’d like to use instead of looking up …
Feb 12
For those of you who are unaware, WP-Slimbox2 has had Localization support since v0.9.4, and support for RTL Localization since v0.9.5. Unfortunately, what I do not have are localizations, Spanish/Español aside. So I’m putting out the word, on my mostly unread blog, requesting people to provide translations! It uses the standard POT file method, the …
Jan 03
As I’d mentioned in the Godzilla post, I’d been working on a trombone wall mount, and had very nearly reached completion. I’m glad to say that during the Christmas holiday I was able to complete that project, thanks in great part to the efforts of my dad. While the idea had always been mine, and …
Jan 03
I added two plugins today regarding images galleries. One of them was to more directly integrate the gallery I already use, Gallery2, with WordPress. It’s called WPG2 and supposedly makes it easier to insert images into posts and so forth, though I’m still trying to figure out how it all works. Another nice feature is …
Dec 21
Somehow, while writing the previous post, I completely forgot about the most recent addition to the decorations in my condo (most recent meaning not works in progress). This would of course be Albert the Elephant, baby elephant to be more precise. He sits in the corner of my dining room, holding up a piece of …
Dec 16
I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking “Godzilla, that’s awesome….but why is it there?” I’ll tell you why, because it is awesome. Ok, it’s a bit more than that, but before I push the image too far down I’ll move to explaining beneath the image, so scroll down! That’s right, down here, there you go. …
Dec 03
I’ve been told I need more content, plus more women of questionable virtue, and tales from EvilCorp. Sadly I’ve been horribly busy lately and just haven’t had time. I have noticed, strangely, that the spammers seemed to disappear for several days, but then I got hit by 5 or so this morning. I guess we’ll …
Nov 18
You know your blog has hit the bigtime when it starts getting spammed heavily. Actually, it probably just means I’ve hit an inroads with whatever it is that populates the morons database. Luckily WordPress has settings that let you approve comments before they’re posted so I can stay on top of this crap. Unfortunately, it …
Nov 04
I wish someone had told me Lando was running before I went out to vote today. He even filmed an ad in the DC metro (at least it looks like it to me). If you haven’t voted yet…then you’re probably not on the East Coast….but I’d strongly recommend you vote for Lando. See more funny …